The bustling streets of Moskva in the 1935s were a sight to behold, with cars honking and people scurrying about their daily lives. The city had undergone a transformation, with new buildings and infrastructure cropping up every day, thanks to the tireless efforts of the government to modernize the country.

But amidst the shiny new buildings and gleaming automobiles, some anachronistic features stood out like a sore thumb. Cars from the 1980s drove down the streets, their sleek designs contrasting sharply with the vintage architecture of the city. People walked on the sidewalks, dressed in a mix of contemporary and vintage fashion, creating a curious blend of old and new.

Despite these quirks, the city was thriving, and its residents went about their business with a sense of purpose and pride. And in the midst of all this activity stood a recently built hospital, funded by charity and opening its doors to the public for the first time tomorrow.

The hospital was a shining example of the government's commitment to improving the lives of its citizens. It boasted state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities, staffed by some of the best doctors and nurses in the country. It was a symbol of hope and progress, a testament to the country's resilience and determination to move forward.

As the day of the hospital's opening arrived, the excitement in the air was palpable. The streets leading up to the hospital were filled with people, all eager to catch a glimpse of the Emperor and Empress of the Ruthenia Empire, who were scheduled to attend the event.

Security was tight, with police officers stationed at every corner and barricades set up to control the crowds. Behind the barricades, a sea of people pressed forward, trying to get as close as possible to the hospital and the monarchs.

The hospital's exterior was an impressive sight, with its modern design and towering height. The windows gleamed in the sunlight, and the large sign above the entrance displayed the hospital's name in bold, elegant letters.

As the Emperor and Empress arrived, accompanied by their entourage and security detail, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. People pushed and shoved, trying to get a better view, and cameras flashed as everyone tried to capture the moment.

The Emperor and Empress stepped out of their car, smiling and waving to the crowd. They walked towards the hospital's entrance, their heads held high, and the crowd followed behind, cheering and shouting their admiration.

As the monarchs entered the hospital, they were greeted by the staff, who had been waiting anxiously for their arrival. The hospital was immaculate, with bright, spacious rooms and the latest medical equipment.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesties, do you remember me?" the doctor wearing a white coat asked pleasingly.

Alexander scanned the appearance of the doctor before him while searching through his memories. His face and the tone of his voice were familiar and he is certain that he met the man before.

"Aren't you Doctor Mikhail Petrovich? From ten years ago?" Alexander pointed out, his memory finally coming into focus.

The doctor's face lit up with recognition. "Yes, Your Majesty, that's me! I'm honored that you remembered."

Alexander smiled warmly at the doctor. "Of course, I remember you. How could I forget the doctor who tended the wounded after the march of the people?"

"Your words bring back memories, Your Majesty," Mikhail replied, a somber expression crossing his face. "That was a difficult time for our country. But now, as I look around our country, it has changed drastically. May I have the honor to tour you around the hospital along with Her Majesty?"

"That would be wonderful, Doctor," Alexander replied. "We would be honored to see what this hospital has to offer."

With a nod, Doctor Mikhail led them through the hospital.

As they walked down the pristine hallways, the monarchs marveled at the advanced medical equipment lining the walls. There were machines for diagnostic imaging, ventilation, and even dialysis – technologies that were unheard of just a few decades ago. The contrast between this hospital and the medical facilities of the past was stark, and the Empress of the Ruthenia Empire couldn't help but be impressed by the progress their country had made.

"Doctor Mikhail, these machines are remarkable," the Empress commented, her eyes wide with amazement. "I never imagined that such advancements could be made in such a short amount of time."

"Indeed, Your Majesty," Mikhail agreed. "Thanks to the support from Imperial Dynamic Systems, we've been able to acquire these machines and train our staff in their use. We're confident that this hospital will be able to provide the highest level of care for our citizens."

As they continued the tour, they entered a large, open room filled with rows of beds. Each bed was equipped with a monitor displaying vital signs, and the room itself was designed to allow doctors and nurses to easily move between patients.

"This is our intensive care unit," Mikhail explained. "Here, we are able to closely monitor and care for patients who require constant attention. The technology allows us to respond quickly to any changes in their condition, ensuring that they receive the best possible care."

Alexander and Sophie nodded in approval, clearly impressed by the facilities and the level of care that the hospital could provide. As they moved on, they were shown a variety of other departments, including the surgical ward, the maternity unit, and the pediatric wing. In each area, the doctors and nurses proudly demonstrated their expertise, as well as cutting-edge equipment that would help them save lives and improve the health of their patients.

Throughout the tour, Alexander and Sophie asked insightful questions, showing a genuine interest in the hospital and its capabilities. It was evident that they were truly committed to the welfare of their people and the advancement of their nation's healthcare system.

As the tour concluded, they arrived at the hospital's main lobby, where a small stage had been set up for the official opening ceremony. The crowd outside had grown even larger, with people eager to witness this historic event.

Doctor Mikhail stepped up to the podium and addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to welcome you all to the opening of this state-of-the-art hospital. Today marks a new chapter in our country's history, as we embrace the future of medicine and strive to provide the best possible care for our citizens."

The Emperor and Empress stood beside him, waving their hands once more to the people.

Doctor Mikhail turned around to face them.

"Your Majesties, please do the honors of cutting the ribbon to mark the opening of the hospital," he said, handing the scissor.

Alexander turned to his wife. "Well, you should be the one cutting it since you are the one who funded the hospital through charities."

"Well, it would be my honor then," Sophie smiled, taking the scissors from Doctor Mikhail.

With a deep breath, the Empress carefully cut the ribbon, symbolizing the official opening of the hospital. The crowd outside erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement and pride evident in the air. The monarchs waved to the people once more, acknowledging their support and enthusiasm for this momentous occasion.

As the monarchs stepped back. Rolan approached Alexander from the side and whispered.

"Sir, there is a report from the Foreign Intelligence Agency about the affiliates of Ralf Hietela."

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