The Grand Kremlin Palace, located in the heart of Moscow, was a magnificent sight to behold. Its grand facade shone brightly in the morning sun, casting a majestic aura over the surrounding area. The intricate details of the palace's architecture were highlighted by the golden rays of light, bringing its true splendor to life.

In the courtyard below, a group of tourists had gathered, all of them eager to snap photos and marvel at the palace's grandeur. The sound of camera shutters echoed through the air as they took in the breathtaking view before them.

As they stood there, admiring the palace, a sense of wonder and amazement washed over them. It was hard not to feel in awe of such an incredible structure. The tourists could only imagine the countless historical events that had taken place within the palace's walls over the centuries.

One of them was Alexander, the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. He has missed the palace as he had never had much business in Moskva. The convoy pulled in front of the main entrance, and the Imperial Guards stationed in the entrance promptly walked over to the car where he was boarded and opened the door.

Alexander stepped off the vehicle and extended his hand to the Beast, offering a hand to Sophie, who grabbed his hand and stepped out of the car gracefully, her golden hair fluttering beautifully in the wind.

"Darling, I have some business to attend to, you'll be escorted to your room by the Imperial Guards."

"When are you going to see me?" Sophie asked with a pout on her face.

"As soon as I'm done, my love," Alexander replied, giving her a tender kiss on her forehead. "I promise not to keep you waiting too long."

Sophie smiled and nodded, understanding the weight of Alexander's responsibilities as Emperor. She watched as he disappeared into the palace, his regal figure becoming smaller and smaller until he was out of sight.

As Alexander walked through the ornate halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace, Rolan, the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards walked closer and whispered.

"Your Majesty, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Services is waiting at your office for a full debriefing."

Alexander smiled. "At last, I actually got to meet him,"

Alexander headed towards his office with Rolan trailing behind him. The palace was bustling with activity, and people bustled in and out of rooms, attending to their daily duties.

As they reached the office, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Services, Bobrinsky, stood up to greet Alexander.

"Your Majesty, I am honored to be graced by your presence. I have some vital information to report regarding affiliates of Ralf Hietela, who, honestly speaking, gave us a hard time."

"Well, if only you were as competent as I thought you would be, this wouldn't happen," Alexander said as he took his seat and motioned for Bobrinsky to begin. The room was filled with a tense silence as Bobrinsky cleared his throat and began his report.

"Your Majesty, we have uncovered a list of names who are affiliated with Ralf Hietela, some of whom are members of the Imperial Council."

Alexander raised a brow. "Member of the Imperial Council? So we have a traitor in our midst huh?"

Bobrinsky nodded grimly. "Yes, Your Majesty. We believe they have been providing information to Hietela, compromising the security of the empire."

Alexander leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. This was a serious matter and one that needed to be dealt with swiftly and decisively.

"Do you have the names?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is the list. I'm sure you know some of them," Bobrinsky handed the list to Alexander, who quickly scanned it over. His expression grew more serious with each name he read.

"These are the names from the nationalist party," Alexander said, his voice heavy with disappointment.

"I think the motive behind their actions is that they are not aligned with your domestic policy, Your Majesty. There has been friction between you and them regarding the issues about providing citizenship to people outside the Ruthenia Empire, stating it as national security."

"Yes, I am aware of their opposition, but that is no excuse for compromising the security of our empire," Alexander said firmly. "I want you to immediately initiate an investigation into these individuals and have them arrested if they are found guilty of treason. And I want to be kept updated on every development in this case."

Bobrinsky nodded in agreement. "As you command, Your Majesty. We will work tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the empire. Before I go, Your Majesty, what will you do to them after we catch them?"

"I'm sure you know the answer to that," Alexander flickered his gaze to Bobrinsky, giving him a grim look. "They will face trial and if found guilty, they will be punished accordingly. No one is above the law, even members of the Imperial Council."

Bobrinsky nodded and bowed respectfully before leaving the room. Alexander sat there for a moment, deep in thought.

"I have worked, for ten years, making the Ruthenia Empire the most glorious empire to have existed in this world. Yet these people have the audacity to jeopardize all that I have built. To hell with their opposition, I will guide this Empire into the direction I envisioned."

Alexander muttered to himself as he stood up from his chair.

He walked over to the window and looked out at the sprawling city of Moskva.

"I can't let those fools destroy the Ruthenia Empire from within," Alexander said. "That I promise."


After weeks had passed, agents from Foreign Intelligence Services flooded Moskva with the purpose of capturing members of the Imperial Councils. These individuals were taken from their homes and offices, their hands cuffed as they were forcefully dragged away.

The news of the arrests spread quickly throughout the city, causing a wave of panic and confusion. Citizens were left wondering what this meant for the future of their country and what actions the government would take in response.

As it turned out, the arrests were just the beginning. In the following days, more high-ranking military officials and politicians were apprehended, their connections to Ralf Hietela and his network becoming increasingly clear. It was a shocking revelation for many, as they had never expected that politicians would never act against the interest of the Ruthenian Empire.

The government acted swiftly, announcing a full investigation into the matter and promising justice for those involved. The people of Moskva watched as the scandal unfolded, with each new piece of information causing greater shock and disbelief.

As the investigation continued, it became clear that Hietela and his associates had been involved in a complex web of corruption, bribery, and smuggling, manipulating the government for their own gain. The extent of their crimes was staggering and the people demanded their deaths. They will get as the punishment for those crimes death itself.

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