Chapter 142: Weasel Spirit

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The black gas represented the aura of a foreign demon species. If it was just a vengeful spirit, Li Xianyu was now at least one of the rising best young experts in the demon descendants community, despite the suspicion of cheating.

Looking at the concentration of the black gas, there should be 10 cigarettes. The kappa in the past had only three. That suggests that the demon that was entangled with his adoptive father was more ferocious than the kappa. But Li Xianyu was no longer the same old newbie before, whose overall strength had soared by several times compared to the past.

Rage surged in him. Whatever the reason, there was a demon that was hurting his family, and that was absolutely intolerable.

No wonder his adoptive father suffered multiple organ failures, a condition that was clearly caused by a lack of energy. It was a condition that he was familiar with, and his great-grandma had caused him to have kidney failure twice.

I could run into demons just visiting my ill adoptive father, what the hell?

“Mom, my dad hasn’t encountered any trouble these days, right?” Li Xianyu said after choosing his words for a moment. “Like something inauspicious?”

When he kept watch at night in the funeral parlor, he fell and suffered multiple organ failures. He didn’t need to guess that his adoptive father had probably met with a spirit. If he couldn’t get a reply from his mother, Li Xianyu decided to go to the funeral parlor himself.

Who has the guts to absorb his adoptive father’s essence? How dare it?

“What inauspicious things? Would your uncle harm your dad?” He had met with trouble at a funeral parlor and someone had just passed away in his relative’s family. His adoptive mother had clearly misunderstood.

“How did Dad fall? Tell me what happened.” Li Xianyu changed the subject.

His adoptive mother thought about it. “He fell when he chased after the weasels.”

“Weasels… Why was he chasing a weasel?” Li Xianyu was puzzled.

“Your dad and I saw a weasel fighting with a snake in the field next to the funeral parlor the day before yesterday. The weasel was shining, and he said the skin could be peeled off to make gloves. The snake meat was nourishing, and he picked up a rock and smashed it, and both the snake and the weasel escaped.” The adoptive mother said, “He saw the weasel again yesterday and pursued it. But he fell and this happened.”

Places like funeral parlors were usually built in suburban hills, far from residential areas.

“You have been targeted by a weasel spirit.” The middle-aged man on the bed beside him commented, “Woah.”

“Weasel spirit?” Li Xianyu raised a brow.

“It’s all feudal superstition, what weasel spirit.” The adoptive mother naturally did not believe it. Although legends of the weasel spirit was famous in the Northeast, but the southerners did not believe in them.

Li Xianyu couldn’t help but look at her. His adoptive mother was actually a rather superstitious lady, who would go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha during festivals. When a priest said that his sister was a baby phoenix, the couple were overjoyed.

“You can’t say that. When I was a kid, there was a family in the next village, who killed a weasel and ate its meat when they went up the mountains to get firewood. Within a few days, he fell to death on the mountain. When the family found him, two weasels were gnawing at his body. Don’t you think it’s coincidence? He ate weasels, and vice-versa.”

His adoptive mother didn’t speak, and her expression was full of disbelief, but she didn’t bother to rebut.

“Listening to your accent, you’re not a native. Please believe it. Some things are creepy indeed.” A middle-aged man with broken legs said, “There was another strange thing that happened at our construction site the other day. A female corpse was dug up from the ground.”

“A female corpse?” Li Xianyu asked. “It’s nothing strange. Did y’all call the police?”

“It’s no surprise that a woman’s corpse was found. But there were weird symbols drawn on the corpse, with a steel nail on her head. When the workers found out, they didn’t call the police. The head of the workers asked someone to burn it. From then on, one would hear women crying in the middle of the night. Then, many weird things happened. My legs were crushed by a cement cart, as the steel cable suddenly fell. Luckily it wasn’t high, otherwise it would have killed me.”

“You’re unlucky.” The middle-aged women rolled her eyes and reprimanded awkwardly, “You are always spouting nonsense. You’ve never seen that woman before, you just listen to what they say. You believe everything people say but it’s just a load of nonsense people brag about.”

Li Xianyu did not believe it eiyher. If any corpses were dug up, normal people would first call the police. Why would he burn the corpse himself and ask for trouble.

But the fact that his adoptive father was targeted by a weasel was probably true.

That rock hit you and you’re gonna kill my dad? Hiss! The beast’s got such a strong vengeance.

“Is there a way to let the weasel spirit to let my father off?” Li Xianyu asked.

“According to our customs, you can ask the Deity of the House, or get an expert to check out more. But you’re not local so you don’t have a Deity of the House. Didn’t you say you have relatives over here? You can go back and ask,” the middle-aged man said.

When the adoptive mother saw her son’s conversation with the middle-aged man, she couldn’t say anything to retort, and said she was going out to buy dinner. Li Xianyu said he could go but his adoptive mother said, “You don’t know what your sister likes to eat.”

His adoptive mother went out.

Li Xianyu tilted his head and appraised his sister. He had not seen her for a year, and Ice Shards was still so beautiful. Friends and relatives had been praising them both for being smart and cute since childhood. Of course, they would also comment that his elder sister’s personality was too cold.

She was not close to anyone, and when they went to visit relatives when she was a child, she hardly went to visit. When relatives came to visit, she did not smile much. Unlike San Wu’s lack of social skills which resulted in her coldness, she was truly cold.

No one knew who she inherited her terrible personality from. Li Xianyu’s wild behavior was probably passed down from his adoptive father. But she did not resemble her mother nor her father. She was like this in school too, where her ice-cold demeanor made it for anyone to get close to her.

In the transcript of her junior high school teacher’s report, there was often a comment: “I don’t have to elaborate on your excellence. I just hope you can glance down a few centimeters when you are looking at someone.”

Ice Shards didn’t look anyone straight in the eye.

“Sis, you became thinner.” Li Xianyu sat on his mother’s position and started a conversation.

A year had passed, and she had lost a lot of weight. Her face was sharper and her skin was pale. She had a healthy red glow, and the gaze in her phoenix-like eyes were still sharp. What was more, the biggest change was that she had become more open and travelled more frequently. Exercising had made her figure more curvaceous.

“Sister, why did you come to Northeast China?”

“The season is right.”

That’s true, winter isn’t a good weather to travel to the north. It’s cold in the fall, and spring was over.

“Oh, where are you going for your next stop?”

She didn’t reply.

“Let’s go together, I’m on holiday either way.”

Once again, there was no reply.

“How about you don’t go travelling next year, come home and work.”

She remained quiet.

“You should find a boyfriend at your age. Don’t wander everywhere.”

“Shut up.”

“Oh.” Li Xianyu subconsciously shut up and sat down obediently to watch her play with her phone. He always felt that his sister’s face was elegant and demure, but she lacked something. Does she lack femininity? No, that wasn’t the case. He pondered over it. If she drew a red dot on her forehead, she would be an innocent goddess.

It was strange that, having lived together for 19 years, she always had a sense of distance, which was the sense of distance between humans and deities.

Even a Gokudo Master like Great-Grandma never gave him such a feeling. It could be related to Great-Grandma’s spend-thrift habits.

Not long after, his adoptive mother brought back packed takeout. The sheer grandeur of the meal crushed most of the Shanghai’s restaurants, where only the dishes could be seen, but not the actual food.

After a few bites, Li Xianyu stopped touching his chopsticks.

“No appetite?” His adoptive mother said, “I even bought you a drink. Why are you wearing gloves? Take it off for dinner.”

“The food doesn’t taste good. Y’all can have it.” Li Xianyu put his chopsticks down.

The food was fine, but it’s hard to swallow compared to Baoze’s six-star food. It was easy to go from thrifty to being rich, but it was hard vice-versa. Once his taste buds were used to eating good food, it was hard to eat ordinary food.

More than a month ago, he was eating Shaxian rice noodles with his great-grandma, fried in gutter oil. Li Xianyu felt a surge in pride again. It must be Slime’s fault.

“You are staying up to keep watch at night, how can you not eat?” His adoptive mother said, “You could get gastric by starving.”

Ice Shards furrowed her brows and her beautiful eyes glanced at Li Xianyu. “I’ll bring you out to eat.”

“Okay!” Li Xianyu suddenly chuckled, and he was wondering how to subtly show-off in front of his sister/ Well, if you go on like this, Mom and Dad will be upset. Our family is not rich after all, but don’t worry, you have a capable young brother.

He transferred Ice Shards tens of thousands of dollars without hesitation and enjoyed her shocked, surprised, and impressed gaze.

Men were probably like this when they have money, but in this case, showing off to his girlfriend, was nothing compared to the agitation of showing off to his beautiful Ice Shards sister.

He had wanted to say that before, but Li Xianyu was cowed by a “Shut Up” from Ice Shards. Thus, he had failed to show off in front of others.

At this point, Li Xianyu saw Ice Shards take his meal outside.

“Sis, what are you doing with it?” Li Xianyu was confused.

Ice Shards gave him his meal expressionlessly.

Li Xianyu was confused.

Realization dawned on Li Xianyu, as he took the meal and felt aggrieved. “Is that what you mean by eating out?”

He smiled cheekily and pushed the door open. “I’ll eat, I go in and eat.”

“Come in after eating.” Ice Shards blocked the door. Pausing, her exquisite face suddenly turned solemn and she said coldly, “Change the WeChat name.”

Li Xianyu was visibly more flustered by this sentence than he was being locked outside the door, and his expression wilted. Because his sister hardly ever used WeChat, he played a little clever prank and his nickname was “Love Every Job You Do.”

Ice Shard’s name was Li Yihan, and her nickname was Hanhan.

Li Xianyu was speechless.

Was it exposed during the transfer?

Ice Shards was as petty as ever and took every chance to get back at him. He actually couldn’t tell previously, how scheming she was.

Outsiders couldn’t understand her emotions from her constant poker face and gaze, but Li Xianyu could. They had lived together for 19 years. If he had understood earlier, Li Xianyu would have been wary.

Hospitals in small counties had no seats in the corridors. There were only scattered beds, and some patients slept in the corridors.

Li Xianyu sat against the wall and ate quietly. He was afraid of his sister ever since he was young. He could be cheeky towards his adoptive father and was not afraid of being whacked on his head. However, he didn’t dare to be naughty in front of his elder sister.

Apart from her own cold personality, he has mainly lived as a child in the shadow of his sister’s training. His adoptive father was a second-rate gangster, a junior high school graduate with a poor cultural background. His adoptive mother graduated from high school, which was a little better than his adoptive father.

Therefore, their son’s academic achievements were taken care of by his sister. Thus, this provided a good training opportunity for Ice Shards.

Back then, out of curiosity, Li Xianyu sneaked into his sister’s room and touched her undergarments, and was caught on the spot.

Ice Shards did not rat on him or announced it. Instead, she locked Li Xianyu in her closet for a whole night. Unfortunately, she was very stubborn and didn’t sleep either. She sat by the bed and held a mop to guard him. If he dared come out, she would whack him with the mop.

For years, Li Xianyu was haunted by his sister’s personal possessions and was traumatized after spending a night in the cupboard.

The family stayed in the ward until 10 P.M., and Ice Shards and her mother went back to the hotel. The mother stayed awake last night. She rested during the day, and it was Li Xianyu’s turn tonight.

As for Ice Shards, Li Xianyu suspected that this was the real reason she called him to come over.

After midnight, he took advantage of the lack of attention and injected five milliliters of blood into his adoptive father. When he woke up tomorrow, his body would heal.

He leaned over his bed and took a short nap. Not long after, he heard sounds of the room window being pushed open.

Something had entered during this quiet night.

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