The Novel’s Villain

63. Satan’s Unemployment (1)

As per Jin-woo’s instructions, his employees posted a notice on New World’s official website along with a simple teaser.

New World: Fall of The Gods would be a much more attractive stage than the Sci-Fi World, considering it involved a war of a great scale. It might be smaller than the size of the universe, but its content would be much more substantial.

He began decorating his base according to the theme.

They wrote most of the stories that would be released along with it as they were. Hence, this entire update would be revolving around the Olympian gods kidnapping Lee Jae-mi and declaring war on New World to invade it.

New World players, including those belonging to the Dark Empire, the Holy Union, and the various Constellations in the Maze, would build up their strength in Tartarus and face the forces of Olympus.

A war with a clear enemy!

Except during the main quest, the players did nothing but fight each other. What if they joined forces instead? Their synergy would be amazing.

‘I should give them a lot of quests.’

Their avatars had already reached the highest ranks available in the Maze. However, through Tartarus, tremendous growth would be possible for them once more.

After all, it enabled a whopping 10x experience multiplier event with infinite resurrection.

“W-welcome to Tartarus, warriors destined to slay the corrupted Zeus… I-I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.”

“Did you not memorize your lines? You’re the goddess of wisdom, aren’t you? Lie down.”

The magical girls toyed with Athena, who played the role of an NPC to guide and lead novice players.

“Sorry, sorry.”

“Sorry? Should your new life end now, then?”


Athena fell on the floor and sprawled out.

The Heavenly Demon Supreme smiled joyfully next to her.

Team Ragnarok and Jin-woo’s subordinates acted as NPCs with her.

Jin-woo looked around the base, which had been expanding smoothly. At this point, it was already bigger than any of the cities he had seen so far.

Most of the buildings here were built on the Sci-Fi World and brought to this dimension through ships. Since all they had to do was assemble them upon arrival, the city expansion sped up, astonishing the Olympian gods that spied on them from above.

In the center of it all was a temple far bigger and more magnificent than the Temple of Olympus. Jin-woo entered it.

‘A sensible choice.’

The Constellations’ stone statues lined up inside.

Starting with the general manager, they were Emperor-level beings such as Arcana and Vanity. His statue was in the middle of them, showcasing a dignified appearance and a black eyepatch.

He also noticed demons on standby, wearing the God of Evil’s uniform.

Yoo-na went up to him.

“We’ve finished creating the basic facilities. I think we should leave the rest to the New World players.”

“We’ll be prepared once the opening day comes.”

“Yeah, though we’re cutting it a bit too close.”

The Cockroach clan also worked hard to construct this city, but Jin-woo felt reluctant to use them in this war. They might just devour the entire World of Gods in the process when the only ones he wanted to destroy were the gods of Olympus.

‘I’ll use them as NPCs for now.’

Hence, he assigned them to side roles such as city guards and merchants instead. This way, even if his opponents invaded this base, they wouldn’t be able to capture it.

“The development department wants to know how much of the game restrictions we’re going to lift.”

“Release them all.”

“Are you sure… Alright.”

New World players had always been constrained by limitations, some of which being the prohibition to touch the inhabitants of the Sci-Fi World’s other planets and the ban on PKing members of the same faction or affiliation.

This war’s outcome would dictate the future of this dimension. It wouldn’t hurt to use a fair dose of madness to ensure their victory.

Yoo-na’s expression hardened a little.

Who was the evilest being in all dimensions?

The demons? They couldn’t be.

‘The humans.’ She thought.

Humans were the only beings that could drive her demons to unemployment. Even Satan, rumored to be the most malevolent in the Demon Realm, couldn’t help but shake his head upon hearing Jin-woo’s words.

Such evil beings would become immortal through infinite resurrections and were left without any forms of restrictions.

“… This event’s going to be cruel for the warriors here.”

Even though the war hadn’t yet begun, Yoo-na already pitied their enemies.

The news about the New World players’ limits being lifted startled even the demons.

“W-what? B-break the humans’ restrictions?”

“… The God of Evil is truly enraged!”

“Those Olympians are in deep trouble.”

“Such evil beings without any forms of limitations… Ahhh… This dimension is going to be destroyed. God of Evil…”

It terrified them, even.

* * *

The opening day had come!

New World’s new addition was already the talk of the town.

Han Se-na’s heart fluttered when she saw New World on TV during her high school days. However, since it was an adult-rated game, she, unfortunately, had no choice but to wait until she was of age.

She was a college student and had recently become an adult. Just in time for a massive update!

Her friends were quite worried about her, though. She still had child-like naivety and, having always been a bit of a loser, she often simply laughed her defeats off. Moreover, her timidity made it difficult to say no to others.

‘This is my first time playing this game… I’ll be okay, right?’

According to what she heard, it provided beginners with various items, allowing them to adapt easily. Using the connector she bought using the money she had raised from her part-time job, she logged into New World with her heart trembling.

“Hello, would you like to create an avatar for Princess Sena Pink?”

“Ah! Yes, please… Thank you.”

“Don’t be so nervous.”

The username she chose made her feel a bit embarrassed.

The beautiful angel made an avatar with a gorgeous appearance. Changing its eyes and turning its hair blonde already made her look nearly completely unrecognizable.

“Choose a world.”

Before the update, the system transferred novice players to the Maze, but now they were given options.

The Maze offered a tutorial program, making it easier for beginners to adjust.

The World of Gods was said to be much freer, however.

She hesitated but ultimately chose the latter.

“Princess Sena Pink, please keep the innocence you have now until the end.”


She wasn’t given any time to comprehend the angel’s final words.

Se-na was immediately sent to the World of Gods.

“Wow!” She exclaimed upon arrival, unable to contain her amazement.

Her eyes dawned upon a vast land, high mountain ranges on the horizon, and a beautiful lake nearby. Even the distant city was beautiful.

‘I’m glad I decided to play New World.’

She wanted to enjoy her freedom, away from her timid self. Nevertheless, her heart kept pounding against her chest. Around her were players who had just started New World as well, and like her, most of them had just turned into adults.

Se-na mustered up the courage to greet them first.

“Ah, hello?”

“Hey there. New World is really cool, isn’t it?”

“It is.”

“You have a beautiful avatar! Would you like to come with me? I’ll protect you. I’ve actually played New World before but decided to make a new account and raise it. I can teach you what you need to know. Are you a college student?”

This was her first time talking to a man!

Se-na felt troubled, though. The man clung to her persistently, and the way he looked at her body disgusted her.


A vehicle approached from the gigantic city’s side. Tilting her head in curiosity and intently looking at it, she soon determined it was a wagon, but what pulled it wasn’t a horse.

It was a muscular guy wearing only green underwear.


His shocking visual confused Se-na.

The carriage stopped right in front of her, and the man looked at the beginners who had just logged on.

“Welcome to New World. I am One-Handed Swordsman, and I’ve been tasked to educate beginners. Follow me, and I’ll turn you into an elite warrior.”

“One-Handed Swordsman?”

“The top ranker…”

His name was well-known, considering his appearances on broadcasts had always been great.

Large signs were attached to his wagon.

‘Fostering elite recruits!’

‘Undergo the shortest yet most extreme training!’

‘Those who survive will emerge the strongest!’

He used a new education method that mixed in the battle royale concept.

Beginners retreated away from him, finding his physique and the words on the carriage far too intimidating.

Se-na did as well.

It seemed too dangerous.

“Hmm. I see you’re all just a bunch of kids. Don’t you want to overcome your limits? This is your chance to discover a new you!”

His voice sounded like thunderclaps.

They all avoided his gaze, but just as he was about to shake his head in disappointment…

“A new me…?” Se-na uttered.


She thought about it.

If she followed him, she’d be able to eliminate her timid self.

“Can I really do that?”

“That’s right. You have the qualities for it.”

When she took one step closer to him, her fellow beginners flinched. The man who clung to him hastily intervened.

“Don’t do that! You don’t know what he’s going to do to you. He’s notorious for being a pervert. Just look at him!”

The gigantic individual looked down at him, making him flinch. However, he didn’t back down. In any game, protection was always given to newcomers, and the Maze: New World was no different.

But he didn’t know what the World of Gods was like.

One-Handed Swordsman’s gaze refocused on Se-na.

“You, girl. What’s your name?”

“P-Princess Sena Pink.”

“That’s a good name. As expected of someone qualified to join my regiment.”

He took out an E-rank dagger from his subspace and threw it on the floor.

“You want to change, don’t you?”

“… Yes.”

“Pick it up.”

She flinched but managed to do as instructed. Afterward, he pointed to the man.

“Kill him.”

“W-what? Kill?”

“Yes. Put a dagger into his heart. Doing so will increase your physical abilities. It’ll be swift and easy.”


Her hands trembled profusely.

“How long do you plan to live as a loser?”


“You don’t have to take responsibility for it! Do it and free yourself from the guilt it’ll cause! This place requires you to do so!”


Se-na squeezed her eyes shut. Strangely enough, her nervousness decreased as she listened to him. She began taking steps towards the male player who had been ogling at her despicably.

“Come on, wait…” He fell backward.

The novice players around him turned away. They didn’t have a problem ignoring his pleas, considering he was quite condescending to his fellow men and clung to every woman he met quite repulsively.

“Hey, this is illegal! I’m a beginner!”

“There is no such thing as a beginner or an expert in the face of freedom.” One-Handed Swordsman replied calmly.

Se-na screamed right after and thrust her dagger forward, lodging its blade in her target’s chest.


Blood spewed out as his body collapsed. Soon enough, his avatar crumbled and disappeared.


She covered her face with trembling palms. However, what she felt now wasn’t fear or anxiety.

It was thrill.


[You have attracted the Shadow of Loyalty(General Manager, Earth)’s attention.]

[The Demon of Fantasy and Regression (Lilith, Demon Realm) has acknowledged your qualities to be worthy of queenship, rewarding you with the ‘Fascination’ skill.]

Seeing Se-na soaked in ecstasy, One-Handed Swordsman chuckled.

“How do you feel?”

“I feel like some parts of me have changed.”

“You didn’t change one bit. That’s just your true self resurfacing after being locked deep within you.”

“My true self…?”

“Get in the wagon.”

She did as instructed.

“So this is freedom…”

“This is what I desire.”

Seemingly possessed, the other newcomers boarded the carriage as well.

They soon began to move, but they weren’t headed for the city. Rather, they went to the barren place on its outskirts, where he built the venue for the new training program he designed.

A brutal battle royale that utilized the characteristics of avatars and the new infinite resurrection event!

This course changed the people themselves.

The Underworld Conquerors and the warriors began to kidnap beginners and sent them there.

“Where are they?”

Athena, who was supposed to guide and train the beginners, tilted her head amid the empty gymnasium. At that moment, the lines she wrote in her hand all went to waste.

* * *

Jin-woo felt delighted, looking at the various indicators in front of him.

The raid on Tartarus was going smoothly. In the process of their assaults, the New World players’ stagnant ranks rose significantly.

James Dean and the fake regressors were also very active.

Tartarus was the abyss itself, the darkness that instilled souls with destructive emotions like despair and fear. It didn’t work for New World players, however.

[The Labyrinth of Tartarus is about to inflict despair.]

[Housewife’s cleaver deflects it, causing an exhilarating sensation to course through its user’s hands! She’s having fun with the slaughter!]

[The Labyrinth of Tartarus summons fear-inducing beasts.]

[Anti-Aircraft Missile seems happy about the new monsters, thinking of them as sources of unidentified materials.]

They showed no fear. After all, everything to them was just part of the game.

“An enemy patrol has appeared around the city.”

“They finally made their move.”

“It’s a bit earlier than anticipated. We haven’t even finished attacking Tartarus.”

Since the Underworld Conquerors were currently preoccupied with taking down Tartarus, Jin-woo decided to check out the Olympian warriors’ levels himself.

Leaving the city, he headed to where the scouts were, finding them resting in a nearby village.

Jin-woo observed them from a hill.

[B] Immortal Warrior

‘For Olympus!’

This warrior has gained the power of immortality by drinking Nectar. Hence, upon death, he’d simply be resurrected after shedding Nectar energy instead of his blood and organs scattering.

However, reaching the maximum number of revivals will turn him into a violent monster, increasing all of his ranks by one level.

Zeus was confident.

His soldiers were B-ranked and would simply return from death if killed. Moreover, after a certain amount of resurrections, they’d even turn into monsters.

If they died in that state, their soul would go to the underworld, but the supreme god seemed to think they’d be able to inflict substantial damage before that could happen.

‘Should I wipe them off?’

As Jin-woo thought about it for a while, a female villager came rushing in.


“What happened?”

The warriors rose from their seats and approached the woman due to their heroic personalities and skyrocketing pride of being chosen by the gods themselves. One of them held her in his arms, causing him to relax at once.

That was how attractive she was.


“Fear not, madame! I, Galaus, blessed by Ares, am here to help you! Where are they?”

He supported her as she limped, guiding them towards the commotion. His nostrils flared upon getting a whiff of her fragrant scent.

They followed her to the depths of a forest. Jin-woo watched them for a bit, tilted his head in curiosity, then finally trailed them.

“T-there. They dragged the villagers to that cave!”

“We’ll save them!”

“Thank you…”

They entered it with no hesitation, their immortality clearly becoming their source of fearlessness.

Soon enough, they were forced to retaliate against gigantic spiders so powerful that even though they had already reached B rank, they still couldn’t easily defeat them.

Jin-woo shifted his gaze to the woman looking at the cave with a deep smile on her lips.

‘I’m pretty sure she’s a New World player…’

Her name was Princess Sena Pink.

Why she chose such a name, Jin-woo couldn’t figure it out.

Galaus and his fellow warriors soon came out. They were covered in blood and were poisoned, but they remained alive.

“I’m sorry. We found no villagers inside. They’ve probably already been eaten.”

“Ah… That’s…” Se-na stumbled, and Galaus instinctively held her.

“Once we get back to the village…”



She stabbed him in the neck with a large needle, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.




Needles flew in from the forest, piercing the warriors’ neck. With their abilities dulled by the spiders’ poison, they failed to avoid the incoming projectiles.

An anesthetic poison had been applied to each of them, one so strong the warriors trembled and eventually passed out.

Players wearing beginner gear appeared in the forest.

Their faces were full of mean smiles.

It was the same with Senna.

“That’s what happens when you trust people too easily.”

Se-na stripped her clothes off, revealing a daring black tights outfit underneath it. It matched the chains attached to her body, overall giving her a quirky but charismatic mien.

“Stupid Olympians… Ah! You did a great job, sister.”

“Let’s tie them up quickly.”


The players captured the warriors.

Galaus, barely holding on to his consciousness, opened his eyes and looked at Se-na.

“What the hell… are you doing…”

“Thanks to you, we managed to catch valuable monsters with ease.”

“A trap…” He muttered in despair.

Novice players soon came out of the cave, carrying spider carcasses with bright expressions.

These beasts offered lots of materials that could be traded at high prices. Se-na smiled deeply as she looked at him.

“Hngh… You vile woman. What are you going to do with us?”

“Even if I kill you, your death won’t be permanent. Isn’t that the best bait? There lived a scorpion that likes to mate with humans… They say they only reveal their weaknesses while they breed.”

“Y-you demons!”


The New World players only laughed at his words.

“W-what’s so funny?”

“We are the God of Evil’s subordinates. It’s only natural for us to be malevolent.”

“The God of Evil… No!”

The players plundered the warriors’ weapons, their smiles brightening up even more.

“Hey, we can sell this for about 300,000 won. As for this one… It’s most likely worth 1 million won! Woah, look! This guy’s front teeth are made of crystals.”

“Pull them out too. We’ll divide our loot equally.”

“Ah, but you did everything alone, sister.”

“It does not matter. We’re a team.”

Se-na’s words moved the players.

“Dark Princess Sena Pink… I will follow you for the rest of my life!”

From their perspective, it was a warm sight.

She looked at Galaus for a moment.

Was it because she felt guilty?

When he gazed back at her, he felt a bit of hope.

But it was soon shattered.

“Why don’t we put the scorpion in Tartarus as bait after we catch it? We can just borrow it after we receive the money, right?”

“Oh, sister! That sounds like a good idea!”

“As expected of Princess Sena Pink!”

The players dragged the warriors.

Jin-woo looked at Se-na and the novice players with a blank expression.

They were beginners far below B rank, yet they easily made fun of and toyed with the Olympian soldiers.

They had gold and black badges on their chests.

‘Underworld Conquerors’ Outstanding Battle Royale Graduate’

‘The Great God of Evil’s Believer’

Jin-woo gulped.

‘I can’t go back now.’

Perhaps he had just awakened an evil far darker than Tartarus and larger than Typhon.

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