The Novel’s Villain

63. Satan’s Unemployment (2)

War had come.

Tensions rose as it drew closer, but the city itself remained relatively peaceful. It was just yet another normal day for New World, after all.

Many of the players laughed and hunted in Tartarus, scouting the surrounding area and catching monsters.

If they judged their target to be worth a lot of money, they would immediately rush in and capture them, turning those that looked delicious into dishes.

As a result, street vendors began to appear in the city.

“Selling big fried spider legs!”

“Grilled giant grasshoppers available here! It tastes like honey when you eat it with beer!”

The lodging industry flourished, and food became a huge source of income, with New World players spending the most money on them after equipment since they could eat as much as they wanted without worrying about gaining weight. Moreover, now that it had turned into a profitable business, New World players slaughtered not only monsters but also animals in the fields.

Naturally, when they discovered the vast sea, they flocked to them as well since it had a lot of food and monsters to offer. Of course, the latter was far more delicious.

The distance between the city and the sea was quite large, but it wasn’t that much of a problem. They had spaceships built to withstand the harsh environment of the Sci-Fi World. After undergoing a few modifications and deploying mana shields, their vessels had become fully capable of being utilized underwater.

Moreover, the New World players showcased great cooperation with each other. Production guilds that enjoyed repetitive tasks like gathering and mining were the first to step up.

“Are you all ready?”

“I wonder what we’re going to catch today.”

“The horned whale we caught last time sold for quite a sum.”

Having acquired a lot of know-how by mining meteorites, they headed straight into the waters after activating their mana shield, which both served as their protection and as a large net. Reaching the bottom, they began raking up everything they could catch.

The monsters were a delicacy among delicacies. Still, perhaps because they grew in the World of Gods, the fishes also had quite desirable tastes. In fact, the moment they identified which of them were the most delicious, Sashimi restaurants appeared in the city.

[The population of ‘Gods’ Fish,’ a food exclusive to the Olympian gods, has greatly decreased and is in a state of extinction.]

[The news greatly astonishes Poseidon, who has been preparing for war in the Temple of Olympus. He desires to go to the sea, but he’s far too occupied creating Nectar using Triana!]

Poseidon raised the Gods’ Fish in the deepest parts of the oceans, feeding them nothing but gold. This caused their bones and scales to shine like jewels.

The locals actively avoided catching them out of fear of his wrath. Hence, in such occurrences, they would immediately release them and offer a prayer of apology to him.

The New World players behaved differently.

Quite the contrary, they instead willingly dived into the depths of the sea for them, invaded their habitat, dried up their population, and renamed them from Gods’ Fish to jewel fishes.

“Well, they’ve become scarce now.”

“I’m sure they’ll be alright. Let’s keep catching everything we can.”

Their actions affected not only the Gods’ Fish. After all, they pillaged even the stocks the mermaids fed on.

Even the glowing corals at the bottom of the deep sea disappeared instantly. Dozens of gigantic spaceships swept through at once, creating pressure they couldn’t withstand.

New World players had a history of putting sea-type planets into such states.

The spaceships passed through the trenches.

“Huh? What is that?”

“A city?”

“Oh, maybe a new dungeon?”

They found a palace surrounded by a huge sphere.

The deep city of Atlantis, also known as Poseidon’s residence.

Its buildings, especially the god’s palace, were decorated with all kinds of jewels. Poseidon’s elite troops normally guarded it, but they were currently preparing for war. He didn’t find the need to be that vigilant anyway, considering it was built so deep underwater even Zeus would have trouble invading it.

The New World players observed the place.

[The sudden invasion startles Poseidon.]

“That’s going to be worth a lot of money.”

“I’ll contact the Guild Union.”

Hundreds of spaceships took off from the base as soon as they were informed by headquarters about the discoveries, all of them heading straight into the sea and to Atlantis. Huge whales appeared to defend it, but they were far too small compared to their vessels.


Their mana beams’ destructive capability didn’t diminish even underwater. They still obliterated their foes with ease, allowing boats to collect their carcasses.

The Guild Union’s leader made a name for himself as a pirate in the Sci-Fi World. Since their crew’s captain was currently among the Underworld Conquerors, as its unit commander, he took this position instead and had led it since.

His name was ‘Assault Raider.’

“There seems to be a barrier!”

“Go through it!”

“Got it!”

The spaceship broke through Atlantis’ great barrier and entered it, finding an environment similar to aboveground’s.

“What’s that?”

“A white whale, maybe?”

“Did Poseidon bring it?”

Poseidon’s chosen people stopped enjoying their luxurious lives and stared blankly at the vessel, showing no sense of crisis since they had been living a peaceful and worry-free life for quite a long time already.

Assault Raider smiled slyly as he looked at the beautifully glinting city. The officers around him reacted the same way.

Atlantis was quite desirable.

” I heard you have high hopes and expectations for the new recruits.”

“Hmm? Ah, Princess Sena Pink and her troops.” He nodded in agreement. “It’s a shame they’re all still individually weak since they’ve all just recently joined New World.”

He had heard of her feats. She captured enemy scouts, giving them prisoners to interrogate about the Olympians’ weaknesses.

Killing the warriors turned them into monsters, which were useful in many ways because of the energy-filled jewels they carried within them.

“If they’re so powerless… Then lend them the latest mech equipment.”

“Yes! Alright!”

With a gesture from him, an underling of his then pressed a button, connecting them to all the communication lines of their fleet.

“Hear me, God of Evil’s believers, powerful warriors who conquered the universe itself! Under the protection of our deity, we have been summoned to colonize this feeble land!”

Assault Raider clenched his fists, causing blue flames to envelop them.

“Comrades! Plunder everything you see! All NPCs here are to be sacrificed to the God of Evil!”


The spaceships’ fuselages opened. Numerous robots flew out of them right after, creating quite a spectacular sight.


The impact of their landing caused the surrounding buildings to crumble and shatter as dust rose. Awoken from their blank stares, the Atlantians broke into screams.

They had finally understood the direness of their situation.

In their eyes, the robots looked no different from foul beasts.



“P-Poseidon, please help us!”

[The god of the seas is astonished!]

The mechanical beings scanned their surroundings, discovering buildings built out of precious metals and stones. Without delays, they then began dismantling them.

Now piloting the latest robot model, Princess Sena Pink licked her lips.

“This place has so many wonders and treasures.”

“What should we do, sister? Head straight into resource gathering like the other units?”

“No, there are too many competitors. For now…”

She pointed at the huge palace in front of them.

“Let’s start with that!”

“Good choice! I’m getting fired up!”

Her unit destroyed everything in their path, infrastructures included, allowing them to reach their destination in no time at all. The palace guards tried to defend it, but they were no match against their war machines. Nevertheless, the gates were already closed and locked tightly when they arrived.

Princess Sena Pink’s robot raised its arm as it split open, revealing a mana beam cutter. Sparks flew as soon as it collided against the gates. However, though made of sturdy and thick metal, it was powerless against a device that could slice through even meteorites with ease.


The gates fell to the ground.

Screams echoed from within the palace as the mechs entered its premises, finding its interior decorated with expensive-looking jewels and occupied by a woman and several other people with seemingly high status.

“I-I am Amphitrite, the wife of P-Poseidon. Are you not afraid of the Olympian gods’ wrath?! Go away!” The queen of the seas exclaimed, but it fell on deaf ears.

Koo! Shik!

The beam cutter landed right next to her.



Her children tried to help her when she fell, but Princess Sena Pink slashed through them swiftly then held Amphitrite up.


“You villains! Are you not afraid of the heavens above? The deities up there won’t just stand still!”

[“M-my palace, m-my wife…?!” Poseidon is on the verge of fainting. He attempts to use Triana, but he has exhausted too much of his power in making Nectar for it to function.]

[Poseidon concludes all of this as part of the God of Evil’s cunning plan!]

Laughter erupted from the robots. Behind them, the scenery of the city being crushed unfolded.

Aww! Koo!

Atlantis turned into a field of ​​fire.

The same people that used to live in luxury simply because Poseidon favored them now could do nothing but run away with their tails between their legs. However, the robots had already surrounded them with nets, ensuring they wouldn’t be able to escape.

“Where is the treasure? Poseidon does have a treasure trove, right?” Princess Sena Pink asked, holding back her laughter. There was a lot of excitement in her voice.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really now?”

Her unit captured Amphitrite’s children and ever so slowly began crushing them.

“P-please save me!”


“It hurts!”

“If you don’t tell me, then we’ll just have to squash your kids to death. Wouldn’t that be a sight?”

“Why would you do something so evil?!”

“Because it’s fun.”

“Fun?! That’s it?!”

Despair etched in Amphitrite’s eyes as she trembled profusely. Her enemies were malevolent beings incapable of civil negotiations.

“If I tell you, will you let us go and leave?”

“I promise.”

Trusting her words, she waved her hands in tears. The palace floor then opened, revealing Poseidon’s treasures, a collection of riches he plundered from different countries.

“Woah! This is amazing!”

“Kya! We’re rich now!”

Sena Pink’s subordinates rejoiced. On the contrary, the queen of the seas couldn’t stop shaking.

“I’ve upheld my end of the bargain. Please let us go now.”

“I don’t want to.”

“What?” She asked, her expression filling up with anxiety and confusion.

“B-but… You promised…”

“Do you know why the God of Evil’s believers make promises?”

Princess Sena Pink’s lips curved into a dark smile as painful screeches echoed from the city.

Amphitrite gulped.

“To break them.”



Unable to control her emotions, she eventually fainted from excruciating fear.

“Take them all.”

“Roger that!”

“Kya! Following you around got us dripping with money!”

Her unit collected Poseidon’s amazing treasures and captured Amphitrite and her children. Compared to what they got now, all she earned before was just a penny.

“Sister, I’ll be able to pay off my college tuition with this!”

“And I’ll be able to get a lease.”

“Oh! I don’t think I’ll need to get a job at this point.”

Atlantis turned into a wasteland.

Amphitrite, her children, and the Atlantians were all thrown into the ship. They used to be treated with respect, but now they were no more than luggage in the cargo hold.

All of them were to be offered as sacrifices to the God of Evil anyway.

Amphitrite looked out of her prison cell’s window, hoping to get one more glance at Atlantis, which they took pride in for being more beautiful than the Temple of Olympus itself. However, all she saw were ruined buildings scattered across a vast, desecrated city.

Their greed knew no bounds, which was evident by how they left nothing unturned and untouched.

Eventually, they found even Atlantis’s barrier stone.


“Oh my.”



The demonic individuals in front of her began to pull this gem infused with sacred energy that had existed in the sea since the beginning. As soon as they did, the barrier that protected Atlantis disappeared, and the seawater rushed in to fill in the space it once occupied.

[The God of Evil’s followers has destroyed Atlantis with ease!]

[Amphitrite and her children are taken to the Evil City!]

[Poseidon is stunned. Zeus comforts him.]

[The gods aren’t ready for war yet, but they’re left with no other choice! Zeus makes a decision!]

Atlantis, the city of Poseidon, as splendid as the Temple of Olympus, if not more, disappeared into history.

* * *

Upon successfully ending their raid on Tartarus, James Dean and the Fake Regressors went through its labyrinth and installed a portal stone at the end of it. Afterward, they reported their destination to be just a dark space with nothing in it.

Jin-woo put on his robe and went to Tartarus’s entrance, finding a long road flanked by street vendors.

“Selling Tartarus skewers!”

“Try our grilled Tartarus intestines! They’re cheap and delicious!”

“Selling Tartarus sashimi! Its poisonous taste will make you tingle! Even if you’ve got full hp, it’ll still kill you within an hour!”

The place was quite lively.

New World players cooked and ate the monsters of Tartarus, which had long since been symbols of fear. Among them, the poison was the most popular. In fact, they would even gather in one place to drink a glass of it.

“Let’s have a quick meal and go clear out dungeons… Ugh!”



Blood gushed out of their mouths and nostrils as they collapsed on the spot, meeting their demise.


However, just as their avatars crumbled and slowly disappeared, divine light came down from Heaven and illuminated them.

Their avatars regained their forms, allowing them to get back on their feet. They then smiled at each other, feeling refreshed.

“Tartarus is the best. There’s no delay since it kills us with ease.”

“Let’s do it again! Do better this time, Tanker.”

“Oh, sorry.”

They casually headed back to Tartarus.

Tartarus’ monsters were famous for their status ailments, including Medusa’s Curse of Petrification.

Due to how powerful it was, its potion became expensive, but New World players had a simple and efficient way to solve that.

Through death and rebirth, they instantly removed and negated all status effects. Moreover, they’d be getting free stamina, mana, and health refills.

However, since avatar creation didn’t work properly inside Tartarus, they’d have to first leave its premises before dying.

‘Heaven is working hard.’

Since Heaven had been replenished with Earth’s souls, it started overflowing with resources. As a result, it could now operate with so much efficiency it could revive avatars under normal circumstances before they could completely disappear.

“Monster incoming!”

Jin-woo moved to Tartarus’s entrance as soon as he heard those words, finding New World players luring out a gigantic octopus.

‘The Kraken of the abyss.’


Standing high and mighty, it exuded an intimidating aura. However, it had no effect on them.

“Eat up! This creature’s the most delicious when consumed alive! Also, please buy red pepper paste from the store next door!”

“Do you have wasabi?”

“Of course.”

They equipped their beam swords and ran towards the Kraken, causing it to retreat out of sheer panic, but it’s hunters were much faster.

Swoosh! Crackle! Swish!

They sliced away its tentacles and dipped them in red chili-pepper paste. The wizards even grilled some of them.

Vendors selling alcohol gathered around them, seeing it as an opportunity to increase their profits!

“Eyeball drinks available over here!”

A large man plucked out the Kraken’s eyeballs with huge tongs, placed them in a large bowl, and poured strong alcohol on them. The New World players brought straws out and started drinking.

“Whooo! This is amazing! I feel like my esophagus is on fire!”

“I know! My body’s burning up!”

“This drink gives you the ability to see in the dark with ease, making it a must-have if you plan to go deep into the maze.”

Jin-woo observed the scene for a moment.

They killed anything that moved and shoved it in their mouths, making even the Cockroach clan regard them as their kin.

“Medusa, please give us three cups!”

“Got it! Coming through!”

Working part-time in a shop, Medusa made her serpents open their jaws towards glasses filled with strong liquor and spewed out petrification venoms.

‘Medusa’s Secret Liquid! The Petrified Wine!’

They sold the drinks she made at a fairly high price. According to what he heard, even Hercules drank it frequently.


Jin-woo tried the Kraken sashimi.

“It’s not bad.”

Its tangy taste was great.

If an ordinary person ate it, they would probably die of poison. Even New World players initially fell victim to it, but they had since developed poison resistance skills.

‘How much did they have to eat to develop poison tolerance?’

At this rate, the players should’ve been utterly incapacitated already.

Jin-woo shook his head, opened the portal, and entered it, transporting him to the end of Tartarus’s labyrinth at once.

Around the same time, the army of Olympus finally began its march towards the city.


Their full-scale war was about to start!

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