Queen Sista looked seriously at Vico and asked. "What is the connection between this prediction, the one from the prophet, and Daniel's death?"

Vico answered promptly. "The prophet told me before his death that the map of the Seraphim Ancient Sarcophagus was connected to a great atrocity that would happen on our continent in the future.

Daniel was investigating the disappearance of this map when he died... And this prediction was made by trying to identify the one who found this map.

Everything is connected, so I believe Daniel's death is the beginning of an era of terror on the continent.

Upon hearing that, that woman was silent, considering that everything was connected, and it made sense to believe Vico's words.

At the same time, unlike Henry, an enemy of Vico, Willow had been closer to Emperor Travisani to realize how the prophet's words always came true on more than one occasion.

She already believed beforehand in the danger that made this man care so much to want a peace treaty with Henry. But as she listened to his words, she noticed that things were far more urgent than she thought.

'It seems that I will face this calamity before I die...'

Willow was already ancient and had no confidence in advancing to the next stage in the short time she had before her vitality ran out.

But knowing that she had a good chance of at least seeing the beginning of this calamity gave her a mixed feeling of worry but also a relief.

Her hair was only at level 95, and she had no hope of him reaching the same level as her, even if he could have a life as long as hers. So such a calamity starting in her remaining time could be the best thing, as she could protect her state in the most challenging time on the continent.

But even she respected death and did not desire to die 'prematurely' in battle.

Henry clenched his fists and questioned. "So you want peace? Do you really believe we won't stand a chance by facing this threat separately?"

"I faithfully believe it. Not only because the evil unleashed on the continent is dangerous, but for what the prophet said would happen after we go through this bloodbath."

Vico replied, telling that person something he had never told people outside his organization.

"When we finish facing this evil, the survivors will not be victors, no matter which side you are on. The worst that the Spiritual World will face will come right after this calamity.

I confess I don't know what this is all about, but the prophet died talking about it because he couldn't bear the 'weight' of the vision he had."

He sighed and continued.

"In that way, I am confident. We cannot let the past interfere with the danger ahead of us. We must come together for the same purpose, the survival of our states and families.

With the threat unleashed by Minos Stuart, we must pause our hostilities and combine forces when the right time comes!

Only then will we have a future to decide whether or not to pursue our old grudges!"

"Minos Stuart?" Queen Sista did not expect to hear that name in this place and could not contain her curiosity.

"Minos Stuart was possibly the one behind the disappearance of the map of the Seraphim Ancient Sarcophagus. Daniel was in search of him when he died." Vico replied while he had an ugly expression on his face.

And with those words, he finally made Henry believe the threat to their states.

'That subordinate said that Minos Stuart believes that what is in the North Sea will cause a great calamity in the future...' Emperor Quinn thought to himself, remembering Grant, a subordinate who had been lost long ago and returned to the empire with absurd ideas.

But after this sovereign heard what Emperor Travisani had to say and Minos' involvement with the prophesied calamity, he couldn't help but believe both Vico and Grant.

'But if this Minos believes and wants to oppose the threat to the continent, why would he release this great evil that Vico speaks of?' He wondered.

Because of this doubt, Henry would say nothing about it to these people at the moment, intent on investigating the situation in the North Sea to judge Grant's follies.

If that place really was hiding something strange, he would notify these two!

He then said. "Very well, I believe your words are sincere. Then as of today, my forces will retreat to the empire's interior and no longer attack unless we are attacked first."

Vico sighed and nodded to that person. "My forces will also follow the same."

Henry continued. "For the rest, we can continue to communicate through Queen Sista if she sees no problem with that, of course."

"Fine, I'll mediate the movements between our states," Willow said. "My state will be open doors to welcome your members and lead movements across the continent.

I will also communicate with my allies and propose they join us to manage threats to our region."

"I am grateful for that," Vico said as he made a gesture of thanks.

This meeting would end with much less tension than when it began, but the mood in which each of the groups from there would leave was one of absolute concern.

Each of them felt that high-level problems would soon arise on this continent.

Some even believed that the powerful Spiritual Church would suffer from this and were already preparing to gather their people and prepare for the worst.

For the time being, they would not join together as a single group to face the threats on the continent. But they would prepare individually for the moment they would have to do so.

While those two groups returned to their states to begin preventive actions, Queen Sista's group returned to the kingdom's interior.

Halfway there, the second strongest of that entourage asked his queen. "Your Majesty, what shall we do about Minos Stuart? If Emperor Vico Travisani's statement is true, he is a great enemy."

"We don't know that yet. Maybe Minos did what Vico said, but that doesn't mean he did it purposefully. Also, he is only a Spiritual Saint. He could be significantly damaged if a war of such immense proportions happens on the continent.

So let's talk to him first. Then, depending on his position, I will continue with my plans for my state to ally with Black Plain in the Continental Tournament."

"I will send someone to the Black Plain immediately."

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