Two days later...

While the high-level powers of the Central Continent were hearing about Vico and Henry's meeting, the news of this unusual encounter crossed continental borders!

In the Divine Continent, one of the observers from the Central Continent was already aware of this relevant news coming from so far away.

The Divine Continent and Central Continent could be considered continuations of the human-dominated lands in the Spiritual World. But even though it was a place blessed by the heavens and far away from that area, the powers of this place had their rivalry with those more powerful from everywhere else in this vast world.

Demigods were relevant throughout the Spiritual World, even more so those at the peak of cultivation, who could dispute Divine medicines if they appeared wildly or matured in a territory with an owner.

As such, the meeting of two level 99 cultivators was extremely relevant to forces on the Divine Continent, and one of the observers from that other continent couldn't help but take this information to his leaders immediately upon finding out.

Such a person, a half-breed of human and dragon, a rare mixture in this world, quickly manipulated space and appeared in an ancient temple where very powerful auras could be felt in significant numbers.

There, the headquarters of a large organization on this continent were at least four level 99 Demigods!

Among them, one was on standby to deal with problems without having to disturb his fellows in seclusion.

"Velor, what brings you to me?" That level 99 elder, a human of pure lineage, asked.

The Divine Continent was divided into three empires, all with a large presence of half-breeds, spiritual beasts, and humans. But even though this place was open to the most varied relationships, pure humans still represented about 40% of the continent's population and were the majority when one looked at the leaders of these lands.

So even though it was the continent of diversity, this was still a predominantly human-led continent, not so different from the Central Continent.

But for much time, the powers of this continent had lived like this, and half-breeds and beings of pure lineage lived just as well in this place as if there was no prejudice in this world.

As such, there was no sense of superiority in the local leaders just because of their race, let alone the subordinates would feel bad about being commanded by one different from them.

This was the case for these two, and when Velor bowed his head, he did so out of pure respect for this white-haired man.

The level 99 Demigod looked at this being who was 3 meters tall, had extremely defined and large muscles, with dragon eyes, a human mouth, and several other mixed features and listened.

"Your Excellency, an unusual movement has just occurred in the Central Continent. Vico Travisani, Willow Sista, and Henry Quinn have met at the border of their states." This being with a deeply grave voice said, while being watched closely.

"The reasons for the meeting are still unclear, but the forces of the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire have begun to retreat from their positions on the contested border.

There are other signs that the sides are at least temporarily at peace."

"Oh?" That old man was interested in this level 95 Demigod's words, curious about what would make Henry and Vico come to an agreement. "Are they preparing for something bigger? Is there any news of the emergence of an ownerless Divine Medicine on the Central Continent?"

"Not that I know of, Your Excellency." That being said. "But perhaps it is on account of Ancient Dragon Spatial Kingdom. Some rumors say that its entrance will open up in those lands."

"Hmm, I heard about that. But it doesn't make sense for two peak powers to retreat from their positions because of it.

The Ancient Dragon Spatial Kingdom is valuable but more important for young Spiritual Sages..." While bringing one of his hands to his face, that expert said, demonstrating a thoughtful expression. "Something else is behind it."

"What could it be?"

"I don't know. Keep an eye on the actions of these states and look for information about Divine medicines emerging. Vico has several times been able to outmaneuver even some of our men because of his speed to seize opportunities...

Perhaps he is aware of something!"

"I will do my best."

"But talk about it with Euris. Maybe the elves know something."

At the thought of his colleague being responsible for watching the elves' home, this half-breed soon left that sacred temple, leaving behind the previous elder staring into the void.

This old man looked toward the Central Continent and saw dark clouds, feeling a chill as he noticed such a thing.

'Am I impressed by something? I had better return to my cultivation. A Divine medicine will surely mature in the next 100 years!'


Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Elves Island...

In this place where less than 20,000 beings lived, one of the strongest elves awoke from his sleep with dark circles under his eyes as black as night.

As he disconnected from the tree he was using to cultivate, this elf looked up to the sky with concern on his face.

"Elder..." One of the people responsible for watching that area looked into the eyes of this level 99 elf and felt fear.

Elves were very connected to the Spiritual World and had a great affinity with Natural Laws and spiritual energy. Precisely because of this, they were much more sensitive than beings of other species.

In particular, an elf would not leave his cultivation sleep with dark circles under their eyes unless they had had an extremely negative feeling and envisioned a bad future.

This could either mean the death of a loved one, the end of an important family, or even the extermination of an entire race.

You couldn't tell until it happened!

In any case, this was not good news for those who were one of the strongest beings in the Spiritual World!

"Elder... Your eyes..."

That elder didn't need to be warned about this. He felt terrible as if he had been run over by something gigantic and heavy.

At the same time, the negative feeling he had just felt while cultivating could not be mistaken.

"Something terrible is going to happen." He muttered, alerting other elders nearby. "I feel that I will face three calamities in the next few decades."

"Three? How is that possible?" A level 98 elf asked.

"Will it be the birth of Divine medicines? It has happened before."

"I don't know, but I feel that these dark circles are not because of one problem. Instead, there are three, and each one will be worse than the previous one."


"Get ready. Dark times are approaching in the Spiritual World!"

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