I was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but that World is at Peace (WN) Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the I was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but that World is at Peace (WN) novel. A total of 1849 chapters have
been translated and the release date of the last chapter is "Chapter 2051: Date Plan ①"
Latest Release:
Chapter 2051: Date Plan ①
- 101Chapter 1951: Neo Baby Castella Blend ③
- 102Chapter 1950: Neo Baby Castella Blend ②
- 103Chapter 1949: Neo Baby Castella Blend ①
- 104Chapter 1948: Illness' Consultation ⑨
- 105Chapter 1947: Illness' Consultation ⑧
- 106Chapter 1946: Illness' Consultation ⑦
- 107Chapter 1945: Illness' Consultation ⑥
- 108Chapter 1944: Illness' Consultation ⑤
- 109Chapter 1943: Illness' Consultation ④
- 110Chapter 1942: Illness' Consultation ③
- 111Chapter 1941: Illness' Consultation ②
- 112Chapter 1940: Illness' Consultation ①
- 113Chapter 1939: The Party is Over ⑧
- 114Chapter 1938: The Party is Over ⑦
- 115Chapter 1937: The Party is Over ⑥
- 116Chapter 1936: The Party is Over ⑤
- 117Chapter 1935: The Party is Over ④
- 118Chapter 1934: The Party is Over ③
- 119Chapter 1933: The Party is Over ②
- 120Chapter 1932: The Party is Over ①
- 121Chapter 1931: Ship Party ㊿
- 122Chapter 1930: Ship Party ㊾
- 123Chapter 1929: Ship Party ㊽
- 124Chapter 1928: Ship Party ㊼
- 125Chapter 1927: Ship Party ㊻
- 126Chapter 1926: Ship Party ㊺
- 127Chapter 1925: Ship Party ㊹
- 128Chapter 1924: Ship Party ㊸
- 129Chapter 1923: Ship Party ㊷
- 130Chapter 1922: Ship Party ㊶
- 131Chapter 1921: Ship Party ㊵
- 132Chapter 1920: Ship Party ㊴
- 133Chapter 1919: Ship Party ㊳
- 134Chapter 1918: Ship Party ㊲
- 135Chapter 1917: Ship Party ㊱
- 136Chapter 1916: Ship Party ㉟
- 137Chapter 1915: Ship Party ㉞
- 138Chapter 1914: Intermission: First Contact
- 139Chapter 1913: Ship Party ㉝
- 140Chapter 1912: Ship Party ㉜
- 141Chapter 1911: Ship Party ㉛
- 142Chapter 1910: Ship Party ㉚
- 143Chapter 1909: Ship Party ㉙
- 144Chapter 1908: Ship Party ㉘
- 145Chapter 1907: Ship Party ㉗
- 146Chapter 1906: Intermission: At the End of a Long Journey - Part 2
- 147Chapter 1905: Intermission: At the End of a Long Journey - Part 1
- 148Chapter 1904: Intermission: ●●●●● Part 3
- 149Chapter 1903: Intermission: ●●●●● Part 2
- 150Chapter 1902: Intermission: ●●●●● Part 1
- 151Chapter 1901: Ship Party ㉖
- 152Chapter 1900: Ship Party ㉕
- 153Chapter 1899: Ship Party ㉔
- 154Chapter 1898: Ship Party ㉓
- 155Chapter 1897: Ship Party ㉒
- 156Chapter 1896: Ship Party ㉑
- 157Chapter 1895: Ship Party ⑳
- 158Chapter 1894: Ship Party ⑲
- 159Chapter 1893: Ship Party ⑱
- 160Chapter 1892: Ship Party ⑰
- 161Chapter 1891: Ship Party ⑯
- 162Chapter 1890: Ship Party ⑮
- 163Chapter 1889: Ship Party ⑭
- 164Chapter 1888: Ship Party ⑬
- 165Chapter 1887: Ship Party ⑫
- 166Chapter 1886: Ship Party ⑪
- 167Chapter 1885: Ship Party ⑩
- 168Chapter 1884: Ship Party ⑨
- 169Chapter 1883: Ship Party ⑧
- 170Chapter 1882: Ship Party ⑦
- 171Chapter 1881: Ship Party ⑥
- 172Chapter 1880: Ship Party ⑤
- 173Chapter 1879: Ship Party ④
- 174Chapter 1878: Ship Party ③
- 175Chapter 1877: Ship Party ②
- 176Chapter 1876: Intermission: Ordinary People at the Venue?
- 177Chapter 1875: Intermission: Ordinary People at the Venue
- 178Chapter 1874: Ship Party ①
- 179Chapter 1873: Intermission: Party Sideshows
- 180Chapter 1872: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑫
- 181Chapter 1871: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑪
- 182Chapter 1870: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑩
- 183Chapter 1869: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑨
- 184Chapter 1868: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑧
- 185Chapter 1867: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑦
- 186Chapter 1866: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑥
- 187Chapter 1865: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑤
- 188Chapter 1864: Before the Ship Party Starts ④
- 189Chapter 1863: Before the Ship Party Starts ③
- 190Chapter 1862: Before the Ship Party Starts ②
- 191Chapter 1861: Before the Ship Party Starts ①
- 192Chapter 1860: Trial Run of the Magic Ship
- 193Chapter 1859: Ship Party Invitations ⑫
- 194Chapter 1858: Ship Party Invitations ⑪
- 195Chapter 1857: Ship Party Invitations ⑩
- 196Chapter 1856: Ship Party Invitations ⑨
- 197Chapter 1855: Ship Party Invitations ⑧
- 198Chapter 1854: Ship Party Invitations ⑦
- 199Chapter 1853: Ship Party Invitations ⑥
- 200Chapter 1852: Ship Party Invitations ⑤